Before it’s too late.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada

Brand Strategy, Integrated National Brand Campaign

75% of Canadians are aware of Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS), but only 3% would ever consider donating to the charity. The problem was that people didn’t see a problem, because mentoring was “nice for children to have” but not deemed essential.


Our strategic insight was based on what people didn’t know, which was that BBBS addresses one of the most unaddressed medical health issues in society today – Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) – and the lifelong impact this trauma has on a child’s health and future potential.


Working with donated media from Rogers, this multichannel national campaign articulated the trauma that ACEs have on children as young as 7 - trauma that can last a lifetime, but with BBBS intervention won’t define a lifetime. To maintain absolute authenticity, the ads featured real BBBS children, and let their faces tell the story and ask donors to help give it a happy ending. The TV and content was shot by Canadian Director Thyrone Tommy who, as a past BBBS child himself, knew how essential BBBS involvement is to a child’s future before it’s too late.



Here for Tomorrow.